Nombre | Latitud | Longitud | Población | Pais |
Konolfingen Dorf, Bern | 46.88824 | 7.62889 | 0 | Switzerland |
Klusi, Bern | 46.66667 | 7.53333 | 0 | Switzerland |
Klosters Platz, Graubünden | 46.86667 | 9.86667 | 0 | Switzerland |
Klosters Dorf, Graubünden | 46.88333 | 9.86667 | 0 | Switzerland |
Klosters Brücke, Switzerland (general) | 49.86667 | 9.88333 | 0 | Switzerland |
Kleinhüningen, Canton of Basel-City | 47.58379 | 7.5928 | 0 | Switzerland |
Kleinhöchstetten, Bern | 46.90267 | 7.53207 | 0 | Switzerland |
Klein-Basel, Canton of Basel-City | 47.56408 | 7.5949 | 0 | Switzerland |
Kippel, Valais | 46.4 | 7.76667 | 0 | Switzerland |
Kinzeralp, Uri | 46.91667 | 8.73333 | 0 | Switzerland |
Kiental, Bern | 46.58333 | 7.73333 | 0 | Switzerland |
Kienholz, Bern | 46.75 | 8.05 | 0 | Switzerland |
Kien, Bern | 46.61667 | 7.68333 | 0 | Switzerland |
Kemmeribodenbad, Bern | 46.8 | 7.91667 | 0 | Switzerland |
Kehrsiten, Nidwalden | 46.98333 | 8.36667 | 0 | Switzerland |
Kästris, Graubünden | 46.78333 | 9.21667 | 0 | Switzerland |
Kastanienbaum, Luzern | 47.01667 | 8.33333 | 0 | Switzerland |
Käserstatt, Valais | 46.4 | 8.16667 | 0 | Switzerland |
Käsern, Glarus | 47 | 8.93333 | 0 | Switzerland |
Käppeli, Bern | 46.98333 | 7.23333 | 0 | Switzerland |
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