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Exámen de inglés técnico. Control Key Combinations- translate. C

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Agregado: 19 de JULIO de 2001 (Por galo46@ingresando.com) | Palabras: 612 | Votar | Sin Votos | Sin comentarios | Agregar Comentario
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    30 points

       Control Key Combinations -  Translate


    The control key has a special task. It lets you give complex commands to  your computer by  pressing

     only two or three keys. You must hold down  the CONTROL key while you press another key.




      When  you press the CONTROL key and the S key at the same time, you  can stop the scrolling

      +    of the screen display. Then to continue scrolling,   press CONTROL + S again.




    When you press the CONTROL key and the C key at the same time,

      +   you can stop a command.






       If you want to restart MS-DOS, press the CONTROL,  ALT and DELETE keys,

    + + at the same time.  

    20 points



    1.- A program is a series of instructions.

    2.- Computers use the decimal system.

    3.- Printers are not devices.

    4.- Programmers are instructions.-

    5.- The disk is in the disk driver.-

    6.- A bit is a binary digit.-

    7.- The screen shows you processed information.-

    8.-  The PC is able of storing data.-

    9.- The keyboard is a output device.-

    10.- You mustn´t hold down  the CONTROL  and C keys when you want to stop a command.

    20 points




    1.- Computers give us …………………………………information.-

    2.- Last  computers are very………………………………………….

    3.- Floppy disks are…………..……………………………………….

    4.-A computer is a network of………………………………..circuits.-

    5.- Tapes are…………..………………………………………………

    6.-The printer is a ………………………………………………..unit.-

    7.-  Know a bit about computing is……………………..for the people.-

    8.-  The computer programs can be ……………………….or……………………….-

    10 points


      Complete with  PERSONAL PRONOUNS.

    1.- We study Computing because……………………….is important.-

    2.- Robert Jones is an intelligent analyst but…………….……..is not efficient.-

    3.- Patricia Clarke is in Room 3 because ……………..……works with computers.-

    4.-  We use new computers because…………………...are small and fast.-

    5.-The disk is in the computer;………………….……is a hard disk.-

    6.- Peter and Susan are operators and………………....work in Room 10.-


    7.- Direction keys move the cursor rigth, left, up, and down.   ……………….don´t affect the characters

      that are displayed.-

    8.- In the keyboard is the SPACEBAR key.  ……………lets you move the cursor to the rigth.-

    9.-The BACKSPACE key deletes characters as……………………moves the cursor to the left.-

    20 points



    1.-What devices does a computer return results to? A. The programs that are precessed.-

    2.-What is the computer system divided in?  B. The mechanical and electronic parts of

    3.-Where does one get training in programming fundamentals?   the system.-

    4.-What is harware?   C. The programmers.-

    5.-Who does design software?   D. At colleges or specialized institutions.-

    6.-What is the result of constant improvement of computer technology?  E. software and hardware.-

    7.-Which machines are directly connected to a computer? F.  Only one at time.-

    8.-What is software? G. Printer or other output devices.-

    9.-How many people are required to operate one computer? H. If it is accurate, it produces accurate

    10.-Why is software an important part of the system?   results.-

    i.  The computers become obsolete within  

     only a few years.-

      j. On-line devices.-


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