Complete the sentences with IS- ARE- AM. Make sentences. True or - ALIPSO.COM: Monografías, resúmenes, biografias y tesis gratis.
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Complete the sentences with IS- ARE- AM. Make sentences. True or

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Agregado: 19 de JULIO de 2001 (Por | Palabras: 885 | Votar | Sin Votos | Sin comentarios | Agregar Comentario
Categoría: Exámenes de Colegios Secundarios > Ingles >
Material educativo de Alipso relacionado con Complete the sentences with IS- ARE- AM Make sentences True
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  • Enlaces externos relacionados con Complete the sentences with IS- ARE- AM Make sentences True


    A) This ……………my father.  

    B)  My sister…….………….  a student.-

    C)  My friends Ana  and Tom………………  teachers.-

    E)  They ………………………. next to the café.-

    F)  My grandmother………………. 70 years old.-

    G)  Those ………………..  my sisters.   They……………. Are in Miami.-

    H)  My computer………………. .. next to the TV.-

    I) My brother and his friend…………….….  students.-

       J)   This  book   ……………….   red.-


    K) My mother and my father………………… in Miami. 

    L) Your cat ………………. black.-

    M)  Your sisters ……………….  In Room 1.-.-

    N)  Your  school …………………. very nice.-

    O)   my pencils and your pens ……………….  on the chair.-

    P)   I ……………….  Sofía.-

      Q)   You   ……………….  Analia.-.-


    A) I / pen   / pencil   I haven´t got a pen. - I have got a PENCIL.-


    B) You / book  / notebook   ……………………………………………………….…  

    C) Mary  / apple  /  orage …………………………………………………………….

    D)  Kate /  computers  / tv´s ……………………………………………………………

    E)  My father / car  / lorry……..…………………………………………………………

    F)  Susy and Tom / apples / eggs .……..………………………………………………

    G)  They / book/ Kite  …………………………….………………………………………

    H)  My mother/ blue car  / red car ………………………………………………………

    I)  Anna / kite /doll ………………………………………………………………………

    j)  You / kite  / doll ………………………………………………………………………

    15 points V o F   Si es falso , escribirlo correcto.-

    11= eleven (   ) …………………………………………………………..

    22= twelve-two  ( )   ………………………………………………….

    15= fifty   ( )………………………………………………………………

    81= eighty-one (   ) ………………………………………………………

    32= thirteen-two  ( ) …………………………………………………

    53= fifty-three  ( ) ………………………………………………………

    33= thirty-three (   ) ………………………………………………………

    28= ninety-eight ( ) ……………………………………………………

    95= ninety-faiv  ( ) ………………………………………………………

    44= forty-for  (   )…………………………………………………………..

    91= ninety-uan  ( ) ………………………………………………………

    75= seventy-five (   ) ………………………………………………………

     10   points   Unir.-

    1.- What´s her name?   A. No, they aren´t.

    2.-Is that a pencil? B. She is Analia.-

    3.-Where is Sam?  C. Her name is Pamela.-

    4.- Where's that? D. They are oranges.-

    5.-Who's that? E. No, I am not.-

    6.-Are they rulers?   F. He is in the Kitchen

    7.-What are they? G.  No, it isn´t.-

    8.- What his name? H. I,m 11.-


    9.- Are you 77?  I. His name is Jack.-

    10.-How old are you? J. It´s on the table.-

    15 points COMPLETE

    1.- What………………………….. ……………………….   they?

    ………………….. ……………………….   Pencils.-

    2.- ………………..  this  …………………. pencil?

    No,…………..isn´t.- …………..   ……………… a pen.-

    3.- Is ………………………….   …………………

    Yes,  …………….   ………………….-

    4.- Where ……………………….. Bs. As.?

      ………… ……………………Argentina.-

    5.- …………………….´s the pencil?

      ……………   …………….   ……………. the table.-

    6.-   ………………… …………….. Helen?

    …………….. is  …………… the kitchen.-

    7.-   …………… Helen ………………....Jack  in …………..…….. living-room?

      ……….,   ………………aren´t.-   They…………….in the Kitchen.-

    8.- How………………..   …………………… you?

    ……………….am ……………………..

    9.- How old ………………. ……………….   Sister?

      …………… is…………………………………..

    10.-   ………………….is ………………… kitchen?

      ………….. ………….  next ……………. ……………..  Café

    20 points Read this story and then answer the questions.

    Sahra is a nice girl. She is from Italy. She is 9 years old. She is a very good student at Higth School. It is in 998 Sant ANNA ST. It is 99 years old. Sahra´s mother is called Susan and she is 35. She is italian, too.  She is a dentist at Avellino Institute. Sahra´s father is called Richard and he is 40 years old.  He is french.  He is a doctor at Flumeri Hospital. Marcos and Cipriano are Sahra´s brothers. They are twins.  They are italian, too. They  are 18 and  they are students  at Roma University.-

    1.- Who is this story about? (about= acerca de)

    2.- Is the girl from Greece?

    3.- How old is she?

    4.- What is she?  What is her job?  (job=trabajo)

    5.- Where is her school?

    6.- Is her school new?  (new=nueva)

    7.- What is her mother called?

    8.- Is her mother 40?

    9.- Is her mother a doctor?

    10.- Where is her mother from?

    11.- What is her father´s name?

    12.- How old is he?

    13.- Is he italian, too?

    14.- What is he?

    15.- Who are Marcos and Cipriano?

    16.- Are they american?

    17.-Are they 20?

    18.-Are they doctors?

    19.- Are they  twins?

    20.- what is the University called?

     10 points   Make sentences

    1.- mother / called /  Susan / is / Her


    2.- a / Richard / Flumeri /  at / is / doctor /  Hospital


    3.- father / years / Her /  40  /  old /  is


    4.- mother / and / brothers / Sahra /  her /  her / are / Italy / from



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