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Verbos- Pronombre- Preguntas y respuestas

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Categoría: Exámenes de Colegios Secundarios > Ingles >
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    Examen de Inglés

    Profesor: Panetta 19/5/99

    ( 1º 5º)

    1) Fill in the gaps with a verb ( 3rd  person singular)

    v      My father ............ in a bank.

    v      Paul is a pilot. He ............ all over the world.

    v      Pamela ............. two children.

    v      She ........... animals.

    v      She ............ three languages.

    v      The secretary .............. answers the phone.

    v      My teacher ............ our homework.

    v      Peter ........... to school in the morning.

    v      Susan ............. TV in the evening.

    v      She ............ her homework at home.

    2)       Put the correct object pronoun into each gap

    v      Irene has two daughters; she plays with ............

    v      That's my book; please put ...... on my desk.

    v      Mr. Brown is our teacher; we like ......... very much.

    v      My brother and I are good students; our teacher likes ........... very much.

    v      Look! This is a photo of ............ with my family.

    3)       Correct the following sentences

    v      He's a engineer.

    v      I have thirteen years old.

    v      My sisters name is Julia.

    v      Where Peter from?

    v      That's the book of Peter.

    4)       Complete the questions

    Mary Hopkins is a teacher. She comes from England. Her address is 35, North Street, Bristol. She's 23, she is not married.

    v      What's ......... surname?

    v      Where's ..........  .............?

    v      ............. ............. job?

    v      What's ............. ..............?

    v      ............. old ........... she?

    v      Is she ..............? No, she isn't.

    5)       Answer

    v      How old are you?



    v      What's your father's name?

    v      What does he do? 11

    v      How are you today?  

    v      What time is it?




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