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Evaluación de inglés. Preguntas simples- completra dialogo- naci

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Categoría: Exámenes de Colegios Secundarios > Ingles >
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  • Biografia y vida de José Ignacio Abreu y Lima: Breve Biografia de José Ignacio Abreu y Lima
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  • Enlaces externos relacionados con Evaluación inglés Preguntas simples- completra dialogo- naci


    Jonathan Fernandez.

    27 de Abril de 1999.

    Please complete all the exercises. When you have to answer a question, you MUST write it complete.


    / UN PUNTO

    1) Where are you from?

    2) How do you get to school?

    3) Where were you on Saturday morning?

    4) Which TV programms do you watch?

    5) Do you live in a town?

    6) What sport do you play?

    7) What is your nationality?

    8) What's your address?


    � / DOS PUNTOS

    Complete the following dialogues with the appropriate words.

    Peter: Hi!

    John: My name is John. What's your __________?

    Peter: ________.

    John: How _________ are you?

    Peter: I'm 12 years ________. What's your __________?

    John: My address is 3587 Malabia, 3rd. Floor.

    Peter: _________� ________ Marie's brother?

    John: No, I'm ________ She is my cousin.

    Peter: How _______ is she?

    John: She's 11 years old.

    Peter: ________ you Spanish?

    John: Yes, I _______ And you?

    Peter: No, ________ not. Where _______ you from?

    John: _________ from Buenos Aires. And ________? Are you from United States?

    Peter: No, I'm ________.

    John: _______you from Mexico?

    Peter: No, I'm not. I'm _________ Montevideo.

    John: That's nice. Well, nice to _________ you. I have to go now, ________

    Peter:� Bye!


    � / UN PUNTO

    Unjumble the words to find out.

    LIHOPS: _________________

    RFNEHC: ________________

    LIINATA: ________________

    MARENAIC: ______________

    UDTH: ___________________

    RBITHSI: _________________

    USAALTINAR: _____________

    Answer these questions: (complete answers please)

    Where are you from?


    Where is Clinton from?


    4) TIME

    � / UN PUNTO

    Write in letters the times:

    11:20 __________________

    13:45 __________________

    13:25 __________________

    11:15 __________________

    Answer this question:

    What time is it NOW?



    Write the time of a TV programme for each day of the Week.










    / UN PUNTO

    Match the school subjects to the words.

    Geography Picasso, painting, sculpture

    Biology � percentages, calculator, multiplicator

    History skeleton, microscope, plant

    Sports � glacier, Rio de la Plata River, population

    Art Isaac Newton, CO2, H2O, acid

    Science The Roman Empire, San Martin, Belgrano

    Literature � Football, Volleyball, ball, goal

    Maths �Borges, Cortazar, Stories, Cervantes

    Write the subjects you like and dislike.

    Eg. I like Maths and Biology, but I don't like Geography. I hate history because I have to read a lot, and it's very boring. I love Sports because I can play football.




    Complete this dialogue:

    A: What school subjects ____ you ______?

    _________ geography and biology.

    _______________ history?

    No, ________ but ___ like Arts.


    / UN PUNTO

    Write a composition about your bedroom, saying� what things you have that you like and dislike. (Minimum 50 words)





    Answer these questions:

    Have you _________a camera?

    Yes, I __________________.

    Have you _____ _______ a book?

    No ____ ___________.

    7) GRAMMAR

    / UN PUNTO

    Complete this table:




    I _________ got

    She's _______

    I ______ not got

    You ______ got

    You ___ got

    He has ____ got

    We _______ got.

    I've _____

    You _____ ____ got

    The have _______.

    The've ______

    It _____ not got

    Complete the following table with the correct use of HAVE/HAS GOT














    I __________ a new book.

    I ____________ a dog.

    _______ you ______ a magazine?

    No, I _________ __.


    / UN PUNTO

    Unjumble the words to find out.

    Does? Mean that what: ______________

    Say this? Please how, do you: ______________

    Only English Speak: ______________

    Do spell how? Please you, that: ______________

    Your open books. Page ten at: ______________

    9) PLURAL

    / UN PUNTO

    Wath: ______________

    Bus: _______________

    Box: ________________

    Man: _______________

    Woman: _____________

    Tooth: ______________

    Foot: _______________

    Mouse: _____________

    Scissors: ____________

    Glasse: _____________

    Child: ______________


    Ingresar una calificación para del 1 al 10, siendo 10 el máximo puntaje.

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