Profesora: Tessy� � � � Primer Trimestre. Año 2001
Año: 2� 3�
Evaluación de Inglés
I - Complete the mini dialogues : reply by using a social expression.
1-A : This weather is depressing, isn't it ?
B : Yes,.................................................
2-A : I will see you at about 7.00
B : Sorry,.................................................
3-A : For tomorrow's test I want you to learn one hundred new words.
B : You,.................................................
II � Make clear sentences / situations / dialogues illustrating these multi � word verbs :
1 to llok forward to � 2 to llok after � 3 to be up
III � Correct the sentences using the Passive Voice.
1-A : They grow a lot of roses in Holland
B : No,
2-A : They are building many bolcks of flats in Mataderos.
B : No, � in Puero Madero.
3-A : Hellen Keller was born deaf and blend.
B : No, HelleN Keller's deafness and blendness (cause)
4-A : They speak german and spanish in Canada
B : No,
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