Dalton's atomic theory:
With the discovery of subatomic particles after Dalton's time, it became apparent that atoms could be broken into smaller parts. The discovery of nuclear processes showed that it was even possible to transform atoms from one element into atoms of another. But we don't consider processes that affect the nucleus to be chemical processes. The postulate is still useful in explaining the law of conservation of mass in chemistry. A slightly more restrictive wording is "Atoms cannot be created, destroyed, or transformed into other atoms in a chemical change".
With the discovery of isotopes, however, the postulate was amended to read, "Elements are characterized by their atomic number".
This effectively explained both the law of definite proportions and the law of multiple proportions.
Some of the details of Dalton's original atomic theory are now known to be incorrect. But the core concepts of the theory (that chemical reactions can be explained by the union and separation of atoms, and that these atoms have characteristic properties) are foundations of modern physical science.
J. J. Thomson's cathode ray experiment:
Table: Hypothetical properties of the
electron. How J. J. Thomson used properties of cathode rays to hypothesize
properties of the electron.
Observations |
Hypothesis |
Ray properties are independent of the cathode material |
... cathode ray stuff is a component of all materials |
Cathode rays bend near magnets |
... magnets bend the paths of moving charged particles; maybe cathode rays are streams of moving charged particles |
Rays bend towards a positively charged
plate. |
... cathode rays are streams of negative charges |
Cathode rays don't bend around small
obstacles, |
... cathode rays behave like streams of particles |
Ernest Rutherford's scattering experiment:
The Bohr Model
In 1913 Niels Bohr came to work in the laboratory of Ernest Rutherford. Rutherford, who had a few years earlier, discovered the planetary model of the atom asked Bohr to work on it because there were some problems with the model: According to the physics of the time, Rutherford's planetary atom should have an extremely short lifetime. Bohr thought about the problem and knew of the emission spectrum of hydrogen. He quickly realized that the two problems were connected and after some thought came up with the Bohr model of the atom. Bohr's model of the atom revolutionized atomic physics.
The Bohr model consists of four principles:
1) |
Electrons assume only certain orbits around the nucleus. These orbits are stable and called "stationary" orbits. |
2) |
Each orbit has an energy associated with it. For example the orbit closest to the nucleus has an energy E1, the next closest E2 and so on. |
3) |
Light is emitted when an electron jumps from a higher orbit to a lower orbit and absorbed when it jumps from a lower to higher orbit. |
4) |
The energy and frequency of light emitted or absorbed is given by the difference between the two orbit energies, e.g., E(light) = Ef - Ei n = E(light)/h h= Planck's constant = 6.627x10-34 Js where "f" and "i" represent final and initial orbits. |
With these conditions Bohr was able to explain the stability of atoms as well as the emission spectrum of hydrogen. According to Bohr's model only certain orbits were allowed which means only certain energies are possible. Unfortunately, Bohr's model worked only for hydrogen. Thus the final atomic model was yet to be developed.
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