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Useful phrases.

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Silence fillers, Introducing yourself, Speculating, Giving your opinion, Describing similarities and differences, Politely asking someone to repeat something, likes and dislikes, agrees, Putting forward another point of view.

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Material educativo de Alipso relacionado con Useful phrases
  • Useful phrases.: Silence fillers, Introducing yourself, Speculating, Giving your opinion, Describing similarities and differences, Politely asking someone to repeat something, likes and dislikes, agrees, Putting forward another point of view.

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    Silence fillers

    J    To start with

    J    To begin with

    J    Well, now, let me see

    J    Let me have a look

    J    Let me think

    J    ... their might/ must/ could/ can't have been

    J    Well, err... I'd say that...

    J    Mm... I'm not quite sure what this picture/ photo might be illustrating

    J    Possibly, ...

    J    At first sight, it seems... , but it could also ...

    J    I would say that...

    J    It's difficult to say exactly but ...

    Introducing yourself

    F Have you met before?

    F Do you know each other? Where did you met the first time?

    How long have you know each other?

    F Did you know each other?


    F I'm Mr. X and I would like to introduce you my colleague Y

    F How do you do?

    F How do you do?


    Not so formal

    F ‘Hello, I'm Jane Watson and this is my colleague XX?

    F ‘Hello'. ‘Pleased to met you'. ‘Nice to meet you'

    Very informal

    F ‘I'm Mary and this is John'

    F ‘Hi !'- ‘Good to see you'


    £       I suppose this might/ could well (be)

    £       He look like ....

    £       She look like as if...

    £       This must (be)

    Giving your opinion

    ¦       From my point of view

    ¦       As far as I know

    ¦       As far as I'm concerned

    ¦       In my opinion/ view

    ¦       Generally speaking, I think

    ¦       Personally, I would say that

    ¦       To my mind

    ¦       I'd just like to say that

    ¦       As far as I'm concerned

    ¦       I'm quite convinced that

    ¦       To be quite honest/ frank

    ¦       If you ask me

    Describing similarities and differences

    ø         Compared to

    ø         In contrast to

    ø         Similar/ almost identical to

    ø         Slightly/ completely different from

    ø         (not) as (spacious) as

    ø         less (modern, luxurious) than

    ø         In a similar/ different position to

    ø         ... has disappeared altogether

    Politely asking someone to repeat something

    /          I'm sorry I didn't catch your point

    /          I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that...

    /         Sorry, what was that again?

    /         Sorry, could you say that again, please?

    /         I'm so sorry but I'm not sure I understood correctly

    /         What was that again?

    /         Do you mean ...?

    Commenting on something you know nothing about

    v    Actually, I don't have any first - hand experience on ... (but ....)

    v    Personally, I've never had anything to do .../ had very little to do with...

    v    It's rather difficult to say but I would imagine that...

    v    Well, I've never been on/ interested in ... but

    Expressing likes and dislikes

    Ø     I prefer/ like

    Ø     I'd rather

    Ø     What I like the best is ...

    Ø     My favourite ...

    Ø     I personally ...

    Ø     I hate/ loathe/ detest/ can't stand ...

    Ø     What I hate most is ...

    Asking for the opinion of others

    Ø       What / how about you?

    Ø       Would you agree that?

    Ø       What are your views on ...?

    Ø       What's your opinion?

    Ø       What do you think?

    Asking if somebody agrees

    Y    Do/ Would you agree with ...?

    Y    You agree, don't you?

    Y     I wonder if you would agree ...

    Y    Do you really think that ...?

    Y    Do you go along with that?

    Y    Wouldn't you say that ...?

    Y    Surely you don't think that ...?

    Putting forward another point of view

    a   Yes, but on the other hand, don't you think that ...

    a   But to look at it from another point of view ...

    a   Surely you can't really believe that ...?

    a   But wouldn't you agree that ...?


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    Fecha: 23/06/2005 -- Hora: 15:56:20
    Autor: juliana -
    Asunto: incompleto!
    Mensaje: hola que tal! me llamo julieta, acabo de ingresar a la pagina y es muy buena pero creo que todavia hay muchas cosas por poner, sin pudiesen agregarlas seria mucho mejor...gracias hasta luego..

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