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Final Test

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Evaluacion de Ingles:tenses-some or any-relatives clauses-modal verbs

Agregado: 01 de MARZO de 2005 (Por Anónimo) | Palabras: 159 | Votar |
1 voto | Promedio: 10
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Categoría: Apuntes y Monografías > Inglés >
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    Autor: Anónimo (

    Final Test
    Instructora:Rosana L. Freddi.


    -Simple Past -Meg (cook)and (eat)a cake.
    -Past Continuous-They (listen)to the radio.
    -Simple Future-I(travel)to Spain.
    -Present Perfect-He (come) home late.
    2-Conditional Type

    Unless you study hard
    She will enjoy the party
    If they clean the house
    If we buy the new car
    He will drink lemonade

    3-Complete using SOME or ANY
    1-There is...........butter in the fridge.
    2-There aren't..........pencils on the table.
    3-Is there.........milk?
    4-There are.......apples on the plate.

    4-Comparative/Superlative Form

    1-Mary(58 years old)Ann(42 years old)Pat(39 years old) young/old.
    3-Pele-Diego Maradona-Batistuta(good/bad)

    5-Complete with the correct Question Tag
    1-You worked so hard
    2-I am tired
    3-She likes candies
    4-Mmalu didn't write to Megan
    5-Paul mustn't get up early
    6-Let's go to the park
    7-We clean the house
    8-They have lunch at 12 o'clock

    6-Relatives Clauses
    Use the correct to write sentences
    1-Ferrari 3-Andrea del Boca 5-Marcello Tinelli
    2-Buenos Aires 4-Spanish

    7-Modal Verbs

    Write a :
    -Polite request


    Ingresar una calificación para del 1 al 10, siendo 10 el máximo puntaje.

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